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Cow Service : Protection - Promotion

Cow Service : Protection - Promotion

Foundation is committed to working for the welfare of the fauna of Uttarakhand through various programs. In which the protection of Badri cow is prominent. Its objective is to make people aware of the care, management, and nutrition of domestic and stray cows. Being a registered welfare organization, it aims to work for the prevention of cruelty to cows and to discourage cruelty to animals. The organization promoting vegetarianism and making people aware of the current animal laws of this country is also a major goal. Unlike other animal welfare organizations, it focuses more on providing shelters and veterinary care to cows. 

"Foundation is a registered non-profit organization based in Uttarakhand. The volunteers of the organization have pledged to stop the sale of cattle and to stop the slaughter and indiscriminate killing of innocent cows by sacrificial fire. Foundation is also active in preventing animal trafficking."

Objectives of Cow Protection

  • To work towards the conservation of Badri cow in Uttarakhand.
  • Cow slaughter should be completely stopped.
  • Giving information about 'cow shelter sites' for the conservation and promotion of barren, old, sick, and unclaimed cows.
  • More and more 'Cow Product Training Centers' should be opened, where after getting training, Gopalak can become financially self-sufficient.
  • Products made from cow dung and cow urine should be promoted. People should be made aware of the usefulness and quality of cow products.
  • Creating a positive environment across the country for cow protection and promotion
  • Providing information about cow production and employment opportunities
  • To inform about the schemes of central and state governments
  • Jan Jagran to make the Cow Slaughter Prevention Act effective
  • Freeing up pasture land. Gochar land should be developed and pastures should be freed from illegal occupation.
  • To work for cow protection - promotion in association with various organizations dedicated to cow service across the country.
  • The government should give grants to social organizations and activists working for cow protection.